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Smartphone Xiaomi 14 – 512 Go- 6,36″ 5G Double SIM à 599€
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MessageSujet: You are so nice to share these with us.   You are so nice to share these with us. Iconminitimetp3Mer 3 Aoû - 8:33

Hello.DVD shrink slow disc analysis and burning using decrpyter - I just got a Dell dimension 4700 computer. It comes with just a CD-RW/DVD-RW single drive(NEC 3450A). After I opened the disc, it showed about 4300 MB with entire green bar on top. When I clicked the analysing disc button, it showed about 30 minutes remaining, frame speed is about 80-90 frames/sec, analysing rate is about 3000-3500 kbs. I thought it should take less than a minute to analyse a disc, according to the DVD shrink guide. ALL drives are in DMA mode, and I'm using the latest Shrink/Decrypter version. The total backup/burning time is about 2 hours. Any reasons why? Please help.
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